13 December 2007

Weight a minute!

So I've been going to the doctor a lot lately.. whatdayaknow.

I have seen the inside & outside of my stomach, as well as my heart. Soon I will see my bowel in action. In honor of this, it's the holiday season, so let's start eating!

Last night for our monthiversary Jon & I ate at Highland Grill (sort of on a whim). It was really tasty. Jon had "the best burger in the twin cities" .. voted on year, 199x. It was a turkey burger.. spiced VERY nicely (awesome spicy aftertaste).. and came with decent fries. Looked a lot like McDonalds, in a good way. Thin & done, not chewy & greasy. I had 3! That's the most fries I've had in like.. 5 years.

I ate a smoked salmon scramble. Scrambled eggs w.smoked salmon, red onions, cream cheese, dill (or maybe parsely, but it was pretty & green), and spinach. The spinach wasn't supposed to be there, but I didn't want hash browns so the waitress came up w.an awesome compromise.. I told her they should add that regularly.. it was phenomonal (possible for scrambled eggs, now yes). Came w.english muffin that I was able to splatter w.all the extra cream cheese from the omelet (there was still extra) and honey. Divine. on the way to Sound of Music (which was AWESOME), we stopped at Bravo. It was packed, so we ate our green tea cake in the car. Frosting tasted as if it had been sitting around a while (no doubt it had been), as did the bottom layer of cake. BUT -- the middle.. oh so devine and reaffirmed my love of Bravo. Even Jon said, 'ya know, that is really good'. I have recently been informed he doesn't like cake as much as I - no big surprise, though.

TODAY is Thursday. Our department couldn't f'ing decide where to go eat, and finally we ended up at QCumbers b/c I speak the loudest. I like it there. A lot. Today they had something new -- chicken lettuce wraps. Trendy, but good! I love their salsa best. And their soup today, wow it was nice. Tuscan white bean. Lots of onions in a thick veggie broth (Did I mention lots of onions). A few tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, and.. white beans. I was totally craving white beans last night. I also wanted beets, but it was so cold that I couldn't order a cold salad. Sooo today I had my standard beets, spinach, egg, onion, balsamic concoction.. as well as my banana/pineapple/ice cream. They also had non-burnt oatmeal cookies (must have gotten a new baker). All in all, solid, and nothing but soup and ice cream needed to be seconded, so I don't feel completely miserable (yet), although I did steal and extra muffin on the way out just to put myself over the edge -- as always. =)

Tomorrow is a potluck here (wish me luck) and a potluck at Kim's. Saturday is Matt's wedding, and Sunday is a potluck at church. Luckily I won't be eating Sunday night or Monday morning.. but I imagine I"ll be a glutton at lunch on Monday -- decisions, decisions).
